Community Composting Program

In partnership with Keep Hutto Beautiful, Hutto Farmers Market is proud to announce Hutto's first Community Composting program.

Residents can drop off their collected compost every Wednesday at the market. After being sorted, compost is then taken to Peterson Community Garden, where the compost will continue to nourish the local soil. In addition to reducing our waste and providing relief to our local landfills, composting plays a huge role in sustaining our environment. 

How it Works

  1. Start your compost bin. Throughout your week, save your compostable scraps in a large container. Refer to our Composting Guide to see what can be composted and what should be disposed. We recommend using a container with a lid, such as a coffee container or five gallon plastic bucket
  2. Prepare your compost bin. Keep your compost bin/bucket indoors and closed to prevent contamination. if possible, freeze it before bringing it to the market. Freezing your compost bin before dropping it off will prevent it from becoming gross and smelly
  3. Drop off your compost. Every Wednesday, bring your compost bin to the market. We will add it to the community compost bin and return your container! A market volunteer will assist and make sure there aren’t any non-compostable products.
  4. Rinse, repeat, and save the Earth! Composting significantly reduces methane emissions, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and results in healthier crops when the compost is used in soil! Composting significantly reduces methane emissions, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and results in healthier crops when the compost is used in soil!

Ready to start composting? Check out our composting guide:

Hutto Farmers Market Composting Guide

The Peterson Community Garden is open to the public and located at 205 Hutto Street in Old Town Hutto, TX.


What is Composting?

Benefits of Composting: National Resources Defense Council

Peterson Community Garden Facebook Page

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